Wednesday, February 17, 2010


We have been the boatshow kids lately.  I enjoy the shows because we get to talk to so many people that have never seen Hobie Kayaks before. It's also fun to get to hang out with our dealers. It's a great group of people and the more we hang out, the more it's like going to visit friends.

Steve & Chris from Austin

Steve & Carol from St Louis

Chris from St Louis & Me

Some of the dealers really go all out on their booth and we've had a couple really represent when it comes to Hobie . . .

Mirage Tandem Island

Woody pedals that kayak all day without even a corn dog break.  A TV on each side of the display play Hobie videos.

There was some snow and we had a nice walk (about 8 blocks) from the hotel to the convention center each day.   We walked past the arch on the way.

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